What is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a procedure of recreation of hair through surgery, which moves the hair follicles from one portion of the body part, preferably back of the scalp (known as ‘donor site’) to the bald portion of the body called the ‘recipient site’. This procedure requires harvesting grafts, comprising hair follicles taken from the donor area, which are resistant (genetically) to hair loss and are transplanted to recipient area, usually the scalp.
It can also be used for restoring beard hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, pubic hair, and chest hair and for filling up scars that are caused by surgery like previous hair transplants and face lifts or prior accident. Modern hair transplant techniques can obtain a natural appearance if done by an experienced surgeon and mimic. natural hair .

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Hair Cycle

Different hair growth stages.

Anagen Phase

Also called as the growth phase of hairs, it is an active development phase of follicles. The cells stay in this phase for about 2-6 years. 90% of the hairs are said to be in this stage at any point of time.

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Cartage Phase

A transition takes place at the end of the anagen phase. 2/3rd of the lower follicles get destroyed in this phase, while the dermal papilla remains attached to regressing follicles

Also called as the resting/pause phase for the developing hair follicles. The follicles take adequate rest, waiting for the chemical signals to prompt it to begin fresh, once again.


The male pattern baldness is usually is caused by an increased sensitivity of hair to the male hormone, testosterone that is produced in increased amounts, at puberty. The hormone is then converted into DHT (dihydrotestosterone) by an enzyme (called 5-alpha reductase type-II). The enhanced DHT presence, in the long run causes hair to get thinner, lose pigments and they finally stop growing.
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In hair transplant, the result depends largely on the quantity of hair that is present in donor area. The hairs at the back of the scalp (i.e. the occipital area) are inherently resistant to balding effects as these hairs lack the DHT receptors. Hence, these hairs, once planted do not fall back again and persist for a lifetime.


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