Best Hair Doctor in Bhubaneswar - Top Lady Hair Doctor in Bhubaneswar


Hair removal and broken hair treatment are done by our best Hair Specialist Doctor in Bhubaneswar, Dr Anita Rath. When a patient arrives at this place, they have the best resources to be evaluated and then prescribed the most appropriate treatment. There are surgical Methods as well as medical means of getting back hair. Hair Fall Treatment Clinic in Bhubaneswar.

Ashu Skin Care is the world class Hair Fall Treatment Clinic in Bhubaneswar. Consult our clinic to know the causes of hair fall at any time. We have the best Dermatologists, Dr Anita Rath, who is highly qualified as well as the experienced, expert in hair restoration & scalp treatment. She suggests effective hair fall and hair loss treatment, treatment for grey hair. She utilizes advanced technology to treat all types of minor or major hair or skin disorders. Visit Us -

  •  +91 9090094000, +91 9090044000


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