Best Hair Clinic in Bhubaneswar - Hair Doctor in Bhubaneswar by hairtransplantclinicbhubaneswar

 At Ashu Skin Care Hair Transplant centre, Bhubaneswar (India) we offer the best cost of hair transplant with the best facilities & care. Ashu Skin Care Hair Transplant Centre believes in quality results at most affordable prices as Money is an important factor. Visit Us - +91 9090094000, +91 9090044000

How it is prepared?-
PRP is prepared from your blood. Blood is withdrawn in PRP kit or in small vials and spun in centrifuge machine. This spin separates blood into its various constituents; like red cells on the bottom, plasma on the top( Called Platelet Poor Plasma), and platelets in the middle on top of the red blood cell layer known as the “buffy coat”. The buffy coat is taken and further concentrated by fast spins, which later activated by calcium and keep in small syringes to inject into scalp skin.


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